Solar installers

Retailers Transition Pack

Resources to help your business become compliant with the NETCC

To help Approved Solar Retailers understand more about their business' obligations under the NETCC and how they differ from the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct we have put together this transition pack containing some useful resources. We hope you find them helpful but should you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].

Please note: these resources are intended to provide helpful insights. All retailers are still expected to download and read the NETCC and update any business practices and documents with the guidelines. We understand that it may take time for some businesses to meet the NETCC's requirements and will be supporting retailers to make the necessary updates for the first six months of the program, up to 1 August 2023.


Key differences with the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct

The NETCC contains a number of new consumer protections.

Learn More
Solar panel solid

Get more detail on what the NETCC means for solar PV and other new energy tech

Deeper technical information on how to comply with NETCC guidelines.

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Circle check solid

Is your business ready? Take our self-assessment.

A quick checklist to make sure your business is ready

Learn More
User group solid

Consumer Information Products

Approved Sellers must give their customers an electronic or hard copy of the applicable Consumer Information Product at contract stage.

View the Consumer Information Products
NETCC video

How the NETCC aims to raise consumer protection standards

Watch members of the NETCC Council discuss the origins and objectives of the NETCC at the All-Energy conference in Melbourne earlier this year.

Still got questions?

Submit your questions here and we'll answer the most common ones in future emails to retailers.