Published on - 24 Mar 2023
The Chair updated Council on the process underway to appoint an industry representative to the Code Monitoring and Compliance Panel (the Panel). The Chair has been working with the Chair of the Panel to interview and confirm appropriate candidates.
Council representatives met with the CEO of Solar Victoria to discuss possible Approved Seller status for Solar Homes Program participants. The key matters discussed at the meeting were the original initiative for the Code from energy ministers through SCO, how the NETCC both clarifies and amplifies existing consumer protections under the Australian Consumer Law, the fees for program participation.
Council confirmed governance arrangements between the Council and the CEC as Administrator and Steward of the Code. Council noted that any other governance issues will continue to be discussed as the program develops.
Council noted that it may not be required to meet every six weeks given the NETCC program has launched and the Panel will shortly be operational. Council agreed that the next meeting should take place in 8 weeks, with Council to consider the appropriateness of convening quarterly after this time. Council agreed to invite the Chair of the Panel to the next meeting to discuss the roles of the two bodies.
The consumer representative on the panel has been appointed, and progress is being made on the industry representative appointment.
A Council member and the CEC met with a large energy provider to discuss their queries about complying with the NETCC. This consultation was a valuable test of the principles of the code in practice. The CEC will add further explanatory notes to the program website to assist in clarifying some ambiguous clauses of the NETCC.
Next meeting: TBC